Two weekends ago I took a trip up to San Francisco for Green Festival, the country’s premier event for businesses, communities and the environment. Green Festivals are held all over the country (the Los Angeles event was last weekend), but attending the one in San Francisco is kind of like seeing live jazz music in New Orleans: you feel like you’re where it all began. The folks at The Sustainable Living Roadshow (SLR) invited my non profit organization, RuckusRoots, up to bring an interactive art installation to the official Green Fest after party, which was held in SLR’s new venue in the Mission district. We were very excited to expose more people to the creative fun of adding leaves to our TRASHformation tree. All of the leaves on the tree are made out of recycled aluminum cans. Once again, we had participants write or draw on the back of the leaves, and drill them on to the tree. It’s great to see the tree getting filled up with personalized leaves collected from sustainably minded people from all over the country and world! Everyone had a blast doing it, and our LED wall washers, donated by Elemental LED, once again helped to make the entire installation pop. We got so many compliments on how pretty the aluminum leaves look in the RGB LED illumination…and I would have to agree: it looked pretty snazzy. What do you think?